Beck Stephens, Quantum Shiatsu, Boulder
I joined BWC in June of 2014. In the very first meeting, as we went around the table for each
member to present in 30 seconds what she did professionally, I was happy to see MY field of the
health profession unusually represented: there was an acupuncturist who was additionally
Japanese trained and a chiropractor with 2 specialties. For me specifically, being a Shiatsu
therapist, our 3 disciplines were a perfect combination for helping people with health concerns.
We all sampled each other’s work, and became closely involved in referring our clients to each
As time passed and each of my colleagues gave more in depth presentations of their work, two
things happened:
1) I started to interact with them for much needed professional help in many areas of my
personal life. I received legal advice, help with both the design and the text composition for my
website, strategy for reaching students to attend the classes I teach, sorting and organizational
help at home, real estate advice and I began attending art classes in fiber arts design.
2) I noticed that in a very comfortable and supportive way, we were interconnecting on a
personal level, and receiving great personal support.
By now almost everyone in our group has come to me to sample a Shiatsu session (a Japanese
healing modality that I’ve practiced since 1982 and taught since 1988 ) and several of them come
with regularity.

Quantum Shiatsu with Beck
Every Wednesday I look forward to meeting with these exceptional women and being inspired
by the creative ways they bring their talents to the world.
It’s a wonderful thing to find exceptionally gifted and skilled colleagues to collaborate with.
It’s even more wonderful to connect with them personally and be inspired by them!
If any of this sounds good to you, we all look forward to meeting you soon! Contact us to arrange a visit.
Beck Stephens
(303) 818-7239