Ginger Estes, Stage Right Home Staging

I was looking for a group of women to join soon after I started my Pampered Chef business. I didn’t really know what networking was all about. I googled groups in Boulder and found Business Women’s Connection. Not knowing anyone in the group, I found them welcoming and helpful. I brought my friend Lori to the group soon after, and we all became fast friends.

Over the years, members have come and gone. Some with major health issues, which affected us all. We’ve been a real supportive group when someone is in need. It’s nice to know you’ve got someone to call when life throws you a curve ball!

When I decided to change my area to represent from Pampered Chef to Stage Right Home Staging, the group was very supportive and encouraging. There were a few groans when they realized I wouldn’t be bringing yummy treats (showing off Pampered Chef products) to meetings anymore, but everyone was supportive, none the less!

Our weekly meetings give us a chance to learn about each other’s businesses. Happy hours and other functions give us a better chance to get to know each other on a personal level. True friendships have evolved from this group. I truly treasure each and every one of the members, past and present!